Last update: 28-June-2018

Marc Artzrouni's Professional Home Page

Department of Mathematics - UMR CNRS 5142
University of Pau and Adour Countries (BP 1155)
64013 Pau Cedex
FRANCE; tel: + 33 - (0)5 59 40 75 50


1. Positions held
i. American period (1981-1993) (Drexel University (Pennsylvania), Census Bureau, Washington, DC, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Clemson Universty (South Carolina), Loyola University (New Orleans)). Research in mathematical demography, (c1-c6), demo-economic modeling (e1-e2), matrix analysis (b1-b2), mathematical epidemiology (HIV/AIDS) (d1-d2).

ii. French period (1993-present) (University of Pau). Move to France to work with a medical entomologist on the modeling of sleeping sickness (a10, b3-b7, b9). More work on HIV/AIDS modeling (d9, b8), matrix analysis (a9, a11), classical analysis (a13), biomathematics and mathematical economics.

This research has resulted in more than 50 publications in international journals of mathematics, biomathematics, biology, epidemiology, demography, and economics/history (see list below).

2. Recent papers (Complete list further down).

3. Conference organized
Organization of an international conference on The Role and Impact of Mathematics in Medicine held in Paris on 10-12, June 2010.

4. Editorial activities
I am the Founding Editor in 1988 (and editor until 2002) of Mathematical Population Studies, an international journal of mathematical demography published by Taylor and Francis.

5. Teaching
Since 1981 I have taught in four American and French universities a broad range of applied math courses (calculus, applied statistics, modeling, operations research, matrix analysis).
I have practically not touched a piece of chalk in the last 10 years of my teaching. I use a video projector to project live, interactive lectures prepared with MathCad, a mathematical software designed for engineers but very well suited to teaching.
The problem with too much convenient technology is that students become passive in the learning process. This happens for example if one provides complete lecture notes, either as hard copies or on the Internet. In 2004 I therefore started experimenting with a concept that combines the benefits of new technologies with those that come in the process of writing down notes in long hand. I provide students in advance with lecture notes "full of holes" to be filled by hand during the lecture. This avoids the time-consuming task of writing down routine material. Having to write by hand focuses the mind and helps concentrate on the important stuff. Student feedback suggests that they like this compromise.
This approach is experimental and I would like to hear from anyone with any thoughts on the best ways to use new instructional technologies in the delivery of lectures. Click here to access more info and sample MathCad files. (MathCad needed on your computer).


Place of Birth: Greenwich, Connecticut, USA
Marital Status: Married, two children.
Nationalities: US and French.
Languages: Native English and French (courses taught and papers written in both languages).

University of Pau (France):
“Habilitation” in Applied Mathematics ("Mathematical Tools in Population Dynamics: Application to Demography, Biology, and Economics"). December 1992. (Post Ph.D. degree based on the presentation of a body of research; required in France to become full professor and to direct Ph.D. theses).

University of Paris V (Sorbonne):
Doctorate in Applied Mathematics ("Iterative Processes in Population Dynamics: Application to Easterlin's theory"). April 1981.

University of Grenoble (France):
Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics (Statistics, Applied Algebra and Operations Research). June 1978.
Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics. June 1976.

September 1993 - present: Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Pau, France.

Aug. 1988 - Aug.1993: Associate Professor; Department of Mathematics and Computer Science; Loyola University, New Orleans, Louisiana. USA. Chairman of Department during the academic year 1992-1993.

Aug. 1986- Aug. 1988: Visiting Assistant Professor; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina.

June 1984 - June 1986: Post-doc; Department of Biostatistics; School of Public Health; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Nov. 1982 - Nov. 1983: Mathematical Statistician in the Statistical Research Division of the Census Bureau (Washington, DC). Research on the census undercount.

Sept. 1981 -Sept. 1982: Postdoctoral Fellow; Department of Mathematical Sciences, Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA).

Oct. 1979 - Dec. 1979: Intern in the Office of Statistics at UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris, France). Work on mathematical models for the comparison of urban and rural enrollment rates.

Sept. 1978 - Oct. 1978: Summer intern with the Economic Commission for Europe at the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland. Research on econometric models for the comparison of the gross domestic product of different countries.

Aug. 1977 - Sept. 1977: Summer intern in the Division of Statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva. Research on a mathematical model (multiple logistic function) to estimate the risk of myocardial infarctions.


a. Mathematics

b. Mathematical biology

b. Mathematical demography

d. Biology, medicine, epidemiology

e. Economics, history

f. Miscellaneous (epistemology)

CONFERENCES (organized, attended, etc)
During Fall 1988 I worked with the New York State Department of Health (in Albany) on the modeling of the future course of AIDS in the state. I spent a day in Albany (September 20) during which I made a presentation for the state health authorities on my projections of AIDS in the state. I wrote a user-friendly computer software (HIVAIDS90) to forecast the number of AIDS cases. This model is described in M. Artzrouni (1990).